Wanted: Olson 30 Rudder


Contact danteb40

I'm looking for a rudder for my Olson 30.
Stock or elliptical.
I have a large stock of on/offshore sails and gear that I would prefer to trade for, but I also have cash.

Sail list:
Pineapple A5 - Like new.
UK Sailmakers A2.5 - Good (Branded with Monero logo)
UK Sailmakers S4 - Like new
UK Sailmakers S2 - Good
A variety of other spinnakers in fair to good condition.
UK Sailmakers Jib top - Carbon - Like new.
UK Sailmakers spinnaker staysail - Carbon on Harken Furler - Like new
UK Sailmakers #3 - Good
UK Sailmakers #1 - Good
A variety of other jibs including a good #1, #2, #4 etc etc.
A variety of Dacron mains in fair to good condition.
Storm sails - Like new.
Carbon spin pole.

I'm located in the SF bay.


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