Mast location


Home Forums General Olson 30 Discussions Mast location

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hubble 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Andrew Bish

    Hello everyone…
    I finally registered so I can join in on the fun here. I would like to initiate my presence by asking everyone who can, I would like to know the distance between the front of your mast at the bottom and your forward bulkhead. This distance determines how much mast rake you have.


    Bruce Hubble

    I’ll try to remember to measure tonight. Previous owner had experimented with several positions and I left the ‘last’ one as is. Since it had a good race record, it might be a good starting point.



    If I remember correctly, 24″ even.


    Al Holt

    For Kestrel: 24 3/16″
    Al Holt


    Bruce Hubble

    Spar Wars #212…. 24 1/2 “


    Jim Saylor


    I’ll measure this evening. What is Ichiban’s measurment?


    Andrew Bish

    Ichiban is 24-7/8″


    Jason Adamson

    Andrew, White Lightning is 24-7/8″ also


    Derek Lay

    Organized Chaos is 25-1/8″. How sure are we of the precision of the position of the bulkhead relative to the transom? If it isn’t an intended measuring point, it wouldn’t be surprising to find that it varies by as much as 1-2 inches. Manufacturing techniques were good, but not quite up to modern CAD/CAM standards. Would the lifting bolt on the keel be a better reference?
    Either way, I’m going to have a hard look at the rake on the boat. Has anyone measured the distance from the top of their mast to the bottom of the transom (no backstay tension)? Having both the position of the mast step and the aft measurement would allow for the most consistent results.


    Bruce Hubble

    Here are some mast rake measurements from Ullman:

    To measure your rake you will need a 50 metal tape measure.
    Using a metal tape connect it to your main halyard and hoist
    it until the main halyard is two blocked. Measure to the
    middle of the hull deck joint where the transom and the deck
    meet in the center of the boat (in line with tiller). Pull the
    tape tight Take the measurement above and add it to the
    length of the main halyard
    shackel this should be
    between39’2” amd 39’4”
    To get the correct rake with
    the correct prebend it may
    require moving the mat but
    Rules of Thumb
    The correct amount of prebend varies with the cut of your
    sails. Ullman Sails has designed their Olson 30 sails with a
    fairly straight mast for optimum performance. If you do not
    have Ullman Sails and your sails are very full with a straight
    mast you will need to put some prebend in to compensate for
    this. Be careful not to carry to much prebend because it will
    cause your forestay not to get enough tension and will make
    your genoa to full and this will hurt your pointing.


    Bruce Rand

    O Naturel, 24.5. Single spreader. Main, the only North 3DR Olson main in existence! The machine had a meltdown before a second one was produced!


    Bruce Hubble

    My boat used to be a ‘North’ with all the extra holes in the step board..I think it was dialed in at 24.5. Glad you have a 3DR..because no 3DL’s exist any more either. Mine disintegrated at 4 years old.

    I’m thinking with a new Quantum main coming (Todd Downey listening?) I’ll ask Todd where his step is.

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