May 302024

The George Olson Trophy was commissioned by the Lake Ontario Olson 30 Fleet to be awarded to the North American Champion boat. The so-called NAC’s regatta is held in co-operation between the Northeast and Great Lakes Regions, and is open to any Olson 30 Class member boats. Each year the Regions choose a venue and dates. Some North American Championships have been run as one-design classes within an existing regatta, for example LYRA. Some years the North Americans are run as a stand alone regatta, for example the 2014 Nationals. The last year for NAC’s on Lake Ontario was 2017, so a few years of layoff since, but 2024 NAC’s are back, in Duluth.

“The George” has made its way from Kingston, ON, to Toronto, and will be dispatched to Duluth for the event.

See you on the line!

 Posted by at 3:01 pm
Feb 072024

Save the Date!

The Olson 30 North Americans are back and will be held out of Duluth Yacht Club and Barker’s Island Marina over Labor Day weekend. With 8 boats locally, this is virtually guaranteed to be the largest fleet of Olson 30s racing together in several years. Throw in a few Lake Michigan, Erie and Ontario boats plus a few more plus changes to the class rules to boost eligibility (see below) and we should have a nice turnout.

Racing will Friday – Sunday with a distance race on Saturday. Logistics (launching/hauling , dockage, and mast stepping), along with post-race activities, race committee and trophies, is being covered by Barker’s so event costs to the participants should be very modest.

Facebook Event Here

Class Rules: To encourage the greatest possible participation, we propose modified Class Rules for this event, and if ratification is possible, all future Olson 30 Class events.  See the Draft Rules page.