2016 North Americans – Venues and Dates Discussion


Home Forums Regattas & Racing 2016 North Americans – Venues and Dates Discussion

This topic contains 20 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  SWG 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Mike Hull has the following (excellent) proposal:

    I’d like KYC (Kingston Yacht Club) to host June 17-19 and I foresee the event as follows:
    Thur pm – early arrival
    Fri am – late arrival, registration, skipper’s meeting, course racing (2 races)
    Fri pm – course racing (3 races); Beau’s beer night
    Sat am – long distance race in conjunction with KYC’s annual harbor race; rum night with entertainment
    Sun am – course racing (3 races)
    Sun pm – awards & departure

    Sleep on boats, hotels are close, or we can set-up billeting. Meals & entertainment at KYC.

    FYI I’ll be at TO boat show Sat 9th with the family if you’re around.

    Let’s get started!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  SWG.
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    Investors Group (hull 6) supports Mike Hull’s proposal and would definitely participate.
    John Giles



    Boom can be in Kingston.


    Jonathan Nye

    Are the NAs ever going to be anywhere but Lake Ontario?



    I personally would be in favour of a constitutional amendment that would mandate something like an ‘every-other-year’ policy so NA’s would alternate between a location on the Easter Seaboard and an inland location – Great Lakes etc. The other way – within the current framework – to work with this is to mobilize all boats in the Seaboard locales to get your desired location chosen in the voting. As I recall last year the Seaboard vote were evenly split between the Perth Amboy and Greenwich, so vote splitting could (and did) occur. I am not sure the outcome would have been different but it might have been.

    I also discussed some of this with Todd Downey (Class Secretary). He’s of two minds on it. I don’t speak on his behalf but to a degree the West Coast fleets don’t really care what we do out in the East, it doesn’t affect them. On the other hand, a strong Class benefits everyone. It’s not an easy topic to make conclusions on.


    Jonathan Nye

    Where do we stand on a 2016 site for the NAs? If KYC, do they have a hoist capable of lifting a O30? Presuming KYC does not have a hoist, what are the options? My recollection is that the sailing center had to bring in a crane to lift Etchells.

    If I understand the voting correctly from 2015, 11 boats likely gave either first or second choices to the NJ/CT choices. Perhaps with only one choice the vote result would have been different since I believe the math suggests 6 boats gave NJ 1st or 2nd choice votes while CT got 8 1st or 2nd choice votes. But the really key point is that Sodus Bay received eight first choice votes (no second choice votes) but only three boats showed up.

    How do we get this back on track? Perhaps a personal outreach to all the boats who voted last year to see where they stand? Personally, I’d still like to see LIS in the fall but Raritan Bay works too.

    Would still like to know what’s holding folks back. Lack of a tow vehicle shouldn’t be one of them. Lack of a trailer makes things tough but depending on the venue, maybe something can be arranged. If it’s time off from work, perhaps we can manage early arrivals/late departures weekends before or after to minimize mid-week time off.

    Regarding a true continental championship, that’s unlikely to work unless it’s planned for at least three years in advance and geared around something of major significance. 2018 is the tenth year anniversary of George Olson’s death; 2019 will be the 80th anniversary of his birth. Meet in Corpus Christi? Aim for 10 boats minimum?

    Attractive Nuisance




    All excellent comments. I love your Corpus Christi idea and agree that the time to start planning it is now! There are some strong members in TX. 2018 will be the 40th anniversary of the ‘birth’ of the Olson 30, so that’s a natural celebration.

    What’s holding people back: it’s a great question and let’s hope whatever it is gets released and people are ‘free’ to join in to discussions and ultimately participation for 2016.

    The Class is putting together an email to prompt folks to visit this forum and participate, that will go out before the end of January.

    We have the voting results from last year, would it be useful to share them?


    Jonathan Nye

    Yes, sharing the voting results would be helpful.


    Michael Hull

    I like the idea of 2018 milestone event planning for a big event on the coast. If Corpus Christi was chosen, could it host both Worlds and NA championships in tandem??

    I mentioned KYC as NA host to the regatta planning committee; they’d like a formal proposal with date as they have limited weekends and a lot of requests. Should I submit an indicative proposal for June 17-19 and say that we’ll formalize/confirm by the end of January?

    KYC doesn’t have a crane onsite, but the marina (stone’s throw away) has a travel lift.



    I would say yes Mike, any event needs to be planned now, we are already very late on this unless we are piggybacking onto an existing event (as has been done in the past with LYRA).


    Jonathan Nye

    Last year we threw together an 2 day, eight-boat J/88 regatta over Columbus Day weekend. $200 entry fee including use of hoist, mooring/dockage, dinner on Saturday and beer and snacks Sunday. Eight races sailed. Lots of positive feedback. Pictures at <url>http://www.maryalicefisher.com/Clientele/Sailing/J88-Championship-Indian-Harbor/</url&gt;.

    Idea would be to race W/L on Friday, participate in the Gearbuster on Saturday (either the long, short or a custom course for the O30s) and more W/L on Sunday.




    I propose we hold a Great Lakes Championship in June (as per Mike Hull’s plan) and hold the Olson 30 North Americans as per Jonathan’s plan. The events are far enough away from each other than some folks will consider doing both and this gives the Seaboard boats a chance to host the NAC’s, and gives the Great Lakes boats a significant regatta.

    Surfer Girl / Victrix has been a consistent NAC’s participant for years, with big travel times and expenses involved. This year they are planning to do the Lake Ontario 300 so the June NAC’s will be out for them, but maybe a boat like theirs could swing NAC’s in October, plus CT is closer to QC. Hate to see Victrix miss NAC’s this year after their unwavering support for years.



    Jonathan Nye

    Appreciate the support but lets hear for folks whether anyone feels holding the NAs on Long Island Sound is viable. Last year, 8 owners gave LIS first or second choice votes. The remaining three boats gave first place votes to Sodus Bay and Raritan Bay over LIS for their second choice.

    Proposed format would be Fri-Sun of Columbus Day weekend with a distance race on Saturday. Expected $200 entry fee to cover launching, dockage, moorings, dinner Saturday and post-race beer and nibbles on Friday and Sunday. Early arrival/late departures okay (within reason).

    Can we muster at least 7 boats?


    Advantages are that this is typically the best time of year for us, the water is still warm and boats can be decommissioned following the event.


    Chris Voigt

    Loki would definitely consider LIS venue.



    There are now two Olsons in my club on the hudson river. I would very likely be there as well as convince my sistership to make the trip as well.(to WLIS)



    Edit: double post.



    Posted on behalf of Mike Hull and the Eastern Olson 30 Fleets:

    A warm hello to the Eastern Olson 30 Fleet,

    Jonathan has rescinded hosting NAs at LIS, so I’m proposing the following event (different dates than last email):

    Olson 30 North Americans hosted by CORK (in congruity with Etchell 22 Canadians)

    Thursday July 21 – early arrival and launch
    Friday July 22 – late arrival, registration, skipper’s meeting, course racing (target 4 races), social event
    Saturday July 23 – long distance race, social event
    Sunday July 24 – course racing (target 3 races), awards, departure

    – Olsons will dock at either Kingston Yacht Club (KYC) or Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (POH)
    – social events to piggy-pack on Etchells or stand-alone at KYC
    – crane will be onsite at POH to launch/haul Olsons and Etchells

    Event planning will be contingent on a minimum of six interested boats; please respond asap if your boat is interested.



    Jonathan Nye

    Grafitti… Thanks for considering coming to LIS for a O30 NAs. Regrettably I’ve not been able to drum up enough firm interest to make this a reality. So the event will now be out of Kingston ON, July 22-24. Any chance the two Hudson River boats could make it?. Jonathan


    Jonathan Nye

    Why don’t post show in the order in which they’re created? My post #4836 is up the page and shown prior to later posts.

    Anyway… Here is again…

    Grafitti… Thanks for considering coming to LIS for a O30 NAs. Regrettably I’ve not been able to drum up enough firm interest to make this a reality. So the event will now be out of Kingston ON, July 22-24. Any chance the two Hudson River boats could make it?. Jonathan



    I’m not sure if our response went through previously or not, but Investors Group will participate in NAs in Kingston.
    John Giles




    Forum setting created nested posts and replies, changed now to straight chronological replies.

    All – Let’s begin planning CORK in earnest. We can create a new topic for planning. Let’s make it a great year!

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