Mast Step Frame Repair


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hubble 13 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1852

    Bruce Hubble

    I started working on my mast step problem. I’m posting to my Spar Wars Racing page on Facebook during the process. Once done, I’ll edit and post to this forum.

    Here is the photo album:!/photo.php?fbid=10150353958891378&set=a.10150353957456378.367603.209095691377&type=1&theater

    I’ll add more as I complete the work.


    Bruce Hubble


    Tore into the frame today…what a POS design. The frame is a Douglas Fir 2×4, thats it! There WAS an aft piece of 1/4″ plywood that was glassed to the frame and down to about 2″ off the sump bottom. At least I think it was plywood..all I found inside was black mud.

    After looking at what was there, the decision was made to cut out everything, but leave about 3″ on each end of the original frame. This was kept to scarf the new framework and keep proper alignment and floor level. All other tabbing was ground/sanded off.

    The new frame has been laminated up. It is 1×3″ mahogany pieces epoxy glued and stacked to make a full frame lam beam. Tomorrow it will be cut to shape/fit the bottom/bilge. It will extend down into the bilge and be about 2-3″ off the bottom. It will be totally coated/wetted in epoxy before any glass being added.

    Whole project should be done by tomorrow afternoon. Total time…3 afternoons, not counting the time that will need to be spent cleaning up all the dust.

    New floors will be put in this spring. Old ones were soft because the factory never painted/sealed underneath. Years of dampness finally made them springy and the removal finished them off. By the way – under the floors was the number 214…my boat is 212. So..214..I have your floors.


    Bruce Rand

    Having done the same repair 4 years ago, your on the right track Bruce. Other than the dust and maybe the itch, you have definitely enhanced a design flaw. The only other thing I would add is to epoxy in the mast base anchors in such a fashion so that your base block is adjustable fore and aft.


    Bruce Hubble

    We have talked about the adjustment distance in the forums. I am one of the 24.5 people. That make me one of the more rake aft, but less bend people? I won’t know how the boat acts until next year. This had to be the reason I couldn’t get the forestay tight. With a 1/2 to 3/4″ “shorter” mast (& more under heavy backstay)..everything was off.

    I hope my nose & sinuses recover…a tight fitting mask does not get it all. UNBELIEVABLE mess of dust stem to stern.


    Bruce Hubble

    The new beam frame is in! I posted pictures in Facebook under Spar Wars Racing.

    Here is the direct link:!/media/set/?set=a.10150353957456378.367603.209095691377&type=3

    If someone wants a beam, my friend is a boatbuilder and can make one up. We kept the template.

    Way happy this is done. Can’t wait to see the difference this coming spring. That’s when the new floors will go in.


    Bruce Hubble

    Picture attached of new mast step frame.


    Bruce Rand

    Nicely done Bruce! I guess it’s to late to recommend a tyvek suit and a dust collecting sander hooked up to a shop vac. I does make for a hell of mess!


    Bruce Hubble

    Bruce Rand: Do you have a picture of your mast step anchors?


    Old School

    These are what mine look like


    Bruce Hubble
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