Paint for Toe Rails


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jonathan Nye 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1973

    Bruce Hubble

    Anyone painted their toe rails? If so, what did you use? How has the paint stood up to wear?


    Curt Rodgers

    My painter ued the same Awlgrip paint/color that he used on the topsides. It turned out great. They blend in nicely.


    Lilya Vorobey

    Awlcraft has a bulletin on line that is out of date for painting aluminum masts since many of the chemicals for preparing the mast are not available in the US. They have replaced aluminum prep work with AwlGrip Wash Primer CF D6600 (yellow base) and the converter D3300 ratio 1:1.
    The cheapest place to buy this is the PBS boat store but beware – they pack their boxes poorly. When I comlained (I actually sent a professional note suggesting they package the paints securely in the box since mine leaked) they blocked me from their website!)…
    I will be redoing my toe rails and mast with this system. But hey Bruce, you are ahead of me with your boat… so tell me how it comes out!


    Bruce Hubble

    I’ll probably get booed, but I’ll report the results to see if valid.

    I’m going to use Rustoleum 2X satin black that has built in primer. My reasoning is that my rails are in pretty good shape, with few dings/scratches. I’m only putting on from the stem to just at the chain plates. These get little abuse. If it is still good beneath it. I only want to bring them up to ‘new looking’ to match the rest of the boat.

    Report at 11:00 news.


    Bruce Hubble

    PS: check “the bottom paint store” online. Best place I found AND they pack nicely.
    Fast delivery. Free shipping above a dollar amount that is easily exceeded.


    Jonathan Nye

    Bruce… How did using Rustoleum turn out?

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